4 INFJ Needs You Shouldn’t Ignore

In a recent conversation with a guest on The INFJ Personality Show, I was reminded of the importance of two INFJ needs:

  1. Continual learning
  2. Impact

As I reflected on the value of these needs in the lives of the INFJs I know, as well as my own life, I was reminded of two others:

  1. Independence
  2. Beauty

In the past few years, again and again, I’ve observed just how important these four needs can be to the quality of your day, whether at work or at home. They’re certainly not everything, but they’re a phenomenal starting point.

Do they resonate with you? If so, why are these needs so important to us? Read on to learn a few reasons why.

What does an INFJ need in life and work? And how can you know what needs are a core part of your personality? Check out this post to find out!

23 INFJ Superpowers – Part 3

Ni-Fe-Driven Gifts

In part one of this series, you read about INFJs’ Ni-driven gifts, and, in part two, you learned about Fe-driven strengths. But now these questions still need to be answered: How do the two cognitive functions work together? And what are your Ni-Fe-driven gifts?

In this article, number three in the INFJ Superpowers series, we’ll examine several abilities that are the products of introverted intuition (Ni) and extroverted feeling (Fe) synergizing.

Read on to learn how your top two cognitive functions work together to give you your Ni-Fe-Driven gifts.

(To better understand INFJ cognitive functions, grab a free copy of my eBook, The INFJ Personality Guide.)

INFJs have some amazing gifts that are the result of Ni and Fe working together. Check out this article to learn about 5 Ni-Fe-driven gifts.

INFJ Personality Type – The Ultimate Guide to the Rarest Personality

The INFJ personality type is the rarest, comprising only one-and-a-half percent of the population. INFJs may never meet another person like themselves in their lifetime, and as intuitives, they’re numbered among the outliers since sensors make up 70 percent of the population.

In America, the preferred personality type is the ESTJ – the polar opposite of the INFJ. With the INFJ personality type being so rare and the culture at large favoring your opposite, it can be easy to feel left out, broken, misunderstood, and unappreciated. Complicating matters, INFJs possess a powerful desire to make a difference with their lives, fulfill their potential, do meaningful work, and live a life congruent with their high personal standards. INFJs put a great deal of pressure on themselves and expect that the ideal futures they vividly envision will become reality, but most people have a hard time understanding this desire.

For these reasons and more, it’s vital that people with the INFJ personality type understand themselves. They need to grasp who they are, understand their strengths, gain an appreciation of what makes them different from other types, and realize that they are normal – just different. When an INFJ learns these things, he or she can be more confident and plan a better, more productive path into the future.

Want to understand yourself or an INFJ on a deep level? This article aims to give you a thorough look at the INFJ personality type and what makes INFJs "tick."

INFJ or INFP? 7 Ways to Tell the Two Apart

How can you tell if you’re an INFJ or INFP?

I’ve gotten this question a lot lately, and it’s a good one. At first, it can be hard to tell the two apart because they do seem to share a lot in common. For a long time, before I got a better understanding of the Myers-Briggs personality system, I thought that I was an INFP. If you’re struggling to tell the difference like I was, there are some clear ways to tell the two personalities apart.

We’ll discuss 7 in this article.

Need to know whether you're an INFJ or INFP? Get the facts you need to tell the difference between the two types and finally make up your mind right here.

Why do INFJs desperately need meaning in their lives?

Fellow INFJ, do you long for meaning?

I know that I did and do every day. I have a hard time just existing. I’ve got to know that I’m living my life purposefully and that I’m making a difference in the world, directly in individual people’s lives and indirectly for the betterment of the whole world.

This is one of the reasons that I struggle to do work that just pays the bills and puts food on the table. I know that covering expenses and eating are important, but I long to positively influence others, to inspire them to reach their potential, and to do it in an original, authentic way.

I don’t know if that’s your specific longing, but I bet you want the world to make sense, to understand it on a deep level, and to make a difference with your life. Most INFJs do.

But why is that? Why the intense longing for meaning?

Why do INFJs desperately need meaning in their lives? Check out this article to learn 4 things that drive them to make a difference.

What does it feel like to be an introvert?

A Glimpse Inside the Mind of an Introvert

“What does it feel like to be an introvert?”

Dear extrovert,

I’m glad you asked. I applaud your healthy curiosity and willingness to learn more about the quiet people around you. While I can’t speak for all introverts, I can give you a glimpse of what being an introvert is like for me.

Allow me to take you inside my head for a quick look at what it’s like to be an introvert.

What's it feel like to be an introvert? Have you ever asked that question or wonder what goes on in introverts' minds? If yes, you need to read this.

What are your biggest introvert struggles?

The Top 5 Introvert Struggles in My Opinion

What are your biggest introvert struggles?

On what should have been my first day of kindergarten, I hid under the bed, unwilling to trade the quiet familiarity of my home for the unsettling clamor of elementary school. My mother determined that I needed another year of preschool, bless her heart.

Since that time, I’ve managed to integrate somewhat successfully into society at large, but there are still many challenges that confront me as an introvert living in an extroverted culture. They are the same ones that confront every introvert at some time or another.

In this post, I’ll share what are, in my opinion, the top 5 introvert struggles.

What are your biggest introvert struggles? Read this article to find out what challenges every introvert has faced at some time or another.

What to Do When You Don’t Want to Be Around Extroverts (Podcast)

What do you do when you don’t want to be around extroverts? More specifically, how can you live happily with the extroverts in your life with out getting overly drained or frustrated?

In this episode of the I Speak People show, we discuss those questions and explore the biological differences between introverts and extroverts. We also talk about three common situations where introverts and extroverts butt heads as well as some possible solutions that can help you through those circumstances when they arise.

Ever wonder why extroverts drain you? Want figure out how to live and work with them without losing all your energy? Check out this post.

What to Do When You Don’t Want to Be Around Extroverts

The Reason Why Extroverts Drain You and What to Do About It

Picture this. You’re sitting on your porch, enjoying a novel and a cup of coffee, basking in the sunlight. Robins are singing, and there’s a pleasant chill lingering in the air. It’s the perfect morning.

Suddenly, unannounced and uninvited, your rowdy neighbor rolls up in his Mustang. Windows down and “Stones” blaring, he yells from the street up to your porch, startling you and ruining the moment. For no good reason, he tries to start a conversation from 50 feet away, eliminating all but the memory of your peace and quiet. This is your plight, an introvert in an extroverted world.

While you may never have experienced the above scenario, I’ll bet you’ve been…

  • Interrupted when trying to concentrate
  • Talked over while getting your thoughts together
  • Put down for needing more alone time

Your struggle is real, so you wonder: Why are extroverts so draining?

Let’s take a look at a possible explanation, specific circumstances where extroverts frustrate you, and some potential solutions.

Ever wonder why extroverts drain you? Want figure out how to live and work with them without losing all your energy? Check out this post.