11 Ways INFJs Relax

What are the best ways to relax as an INFJ? It’s easy for us to get wound up and start feeling uptight with some many thoughts, emotions, and ideas coursing through our minds. How do INFJs generally unwind and enjoy themselves?

While you no doubt already have relaxing routines and favorite downtime activities and hobbies, seeing what others do for fun and relaxation may introduce you to another life-giving exercise or activity you haven’t yet explored. To that I end, I offer you 11 ways INFJs relax.

What are the best ways to relax as an INFJ? It's easy to get wound up and start feeling uptight with some many thoughts, emotions, and ideas coursing through your mind. How do INFJs generally unwind and enjoy themselves? Check out this post to find out!

Do you love a challenge, INFJ?

Are you happiest when you’re challenged?

I’ve heard from several INFJs lately that they enjoy a good challenge, and reflecting on my life, I do too. Granted, the challenge has to be the right kind.

But I wonder if this isn’t also the case for you?

So what do INFJs look for in a challenge, why do they need one, and what problems does this appetite produce?

Are you happiest when you’re challenged? Why is this so? What do INFJs look for in a challenge, why do they need one, and what problems does this appetite produce? Check out this post to find out!

4 Ways to Make Your Workday Better (for the INFJ)

If you’re not particularly keen on your current job, you may be interested in learning ways to make it better. And even if you do enjoy your work, you might be interested in learning how to make it even better.

In the comments section of last week’s post, a few INFJs started a great discussion on this topic – making your work more enjoyable and bearable. One person’s comments, in particular, reminded me of what I’ve tried to make my work a better match for my personality and to change the way I think about and approach what I do.

To that end, here are four suggestions, based on the function stack, that you can use to improve your workday.

How can you make your workday more enjoyable when you don't enjoy it, fellow INFJ? It's amazing what incorporating your cognitive functions can do. Check out this post to learn 4 ways to make your current job more enjoyable.


Why INFJs Struggle with the Details of Daily Life

When I pulled up to a stop sign yesterday, the cars to my left and right weren’t moving. The lady on my left had arrived first, so it was clearly her turn to go. I patiently waited, but she didn’t move. She soon started waving angrily, motioning for me to drive. I looked at the car to my right, who was now also motioning. Confused, I pulled threw, wondering why these people were so hot and bothered.

Then, I realized: I never had a stop sign.

Mind you, this was my own neighborhood. I was paying attention but only enough to be safe. Most of my mental energy was caught up, contemplating some aspect of personality, planning out the weekend, or something else.

Why are the routine, practical details of everyday life often a challenge for INFJs?

Why do INFJs struggle with practical details and the routine chores of day-to-day life? Why do we dislike the things that interest most people? Read this post to find out!


Are these 3 things impacting how you see yourself, INFJ?

How do you see yourself, and where does your self-image come from?

These are questions many INFJs naturally spend a lot of time mulling over. We’re wired to think deeply about identity, both our own and others’. We also tend to care quite a bit about what other people think of us.

No doubt your family, community, and the culture in which you grew up influenced your self-image and the way you see yourself. But what else?

How do you see yourself, INFJ? On what are you basing your self-image? Read these words, and see if these 3 ideals don't resonate with you intensely.

4 Skills Every INFJ Should Develop

What can you do better than anyone else, fellow INFJ? That’s an important question to ask when you’re thinking about…

  • Careers
  • Life stewardship
  • Impact
  • Return on investment
  • Life enjoyment

Every personality type is especially good at a particular set of skills, and it’s wise to spend some time figuring out what those particular skills are for you.

In a recent podcast episode, a guest mentioned 4 skills that NF personality types (which include the INFJ) do better than anyone else. He was spot on, in my opinion. And while this isn’t an all-inclusive list for the INFJ, you should consider investing considerable time developing these particular abilities.

What particular skills and abilities can you do better than any other personality type, fellow INFJ? That's an important question to ask when you're thinking about how to invest your time. Read this post to learn 4 skills you should seriously consider developing.

7 Unique Ways INFJ Parents Care for Their Children

Sharon spent thousands of dollars working through her past with a counselor. She wanted to be a great mom to her kids. They often found her at night behind a pile of books or on the internet planning a vacation or researching a topic that she wanted to teach them about. She’d put her impressive creativity and ingenuity to work and spend hours crafting original curriculums and studies to help them grow.

But the best part about Sharon was that she was always available to listen and advise. Her girls new that. In fact, they still call her up for advice, even though they’ve started families of their own.

Sharon is a remarkable parent similar to many INFJs I know. But are all INFJs like her?

How do INFJ parents care for their children? And how does their parenting style differ from those of other personality types? Here’re 7 unique ways INFJ parents care for their children.

How do INFJ parents care for their children? And how does their parenting style differ from those of other personality types? Check out this post to learn 7 unique ways INFJ parents care for their children.

How to Find Passion in Daily Living as an INFJ

“My biggest struggle is finding the passion in daily living. I love depth and powerful meaning, [but] it’s difficult to be happy when things are just so normal.”

Have you ever felt this way? I can definitely relate to this fellow INFJ’s comment.

In Gifts Differing, Isabel Myers describes how extroverted intuition (Ne) – the kind of intuition ENFPs, ENTPs, INFPs, and INTPs, use – works. She points out that Ne users “[regard] the immediate situation as a prison from which escape is urgently necessary.” While Myers was addressing Ne types, her description applies to all intuitives – especially dominant intuitives like you and me.

Figuring out how to enjoy and live passionately in the moment is a tall task for any INFJ. So how do we make the most of normal life?

Are you an INFJ bored with day-to-day, normal life? How do you survive and inject the present with meaning and interest? Check out this post to find out!